Licensing your music can be exciting. It gives you the opportunity to monetize the art that you’ve poured your heart and soul into, and it can give you the sign of success that you’ve been looking for. Yet, music licensing can be incredibly complex. Licensing...
Skilled, Strategic, Responsive
Month: January 2024
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7 reasons why a landlord might deny a tenant to sublet a unit
In Alaska, tenants legally have the right to sublet their rental units. This can be a helpful option for tenants who need to relocate before their lease expires, such as when they're buying a house or moving in with a partner, without breaking their lease. If...
How to be considered for adoption placement in Alaska?
Adoption provides children in need the opportunity of a permanent loving home. However, the adoption system has unique regulations and procedures to ensure children find secure and nurturing environments. In Alaska, prospective adoptive parents must meet certain...